(Contributed by Ryan)

Valid file formats

This section describes the file formatting which are accepted by Serenity.

1. Format of typical File downloaded from LumiNUS

Serenity accepts attendance sheet downloaded directly from LumiNUS. A typical attendance sheet downloaded from LumiNUS looks like the one shown below.

Annotated attendance sheet downloaded directly from LumiNUS

Figure 1. Typical attendance sheet downloaded directly from LumiNUS.

A typical attendance sheet would contain the following :

  1. Title
  2. Headers columns (Photo, Name, Student (matriculation) number, and the lessons that have been conducted)
  3. Student information

However, if you would like to manually create your own attendance sheet to upload onto Serenity, it is highly recommended that you follow the same formatting as the above example to prevent errors.

If you would like to deviate from the stated format other valid file formats are described in the subsequent two sections and invalid file formats are described in the Invalid file format section.

2. File without title

Serenity allows flexibility in the inclusion of title in the xlsx file provided. Below is an example of the format of a file without a title compared to the format of typical attendance sheet format downloaded from LumiNUS.

Comparison in format between a file with no title and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS

Figure 2. Comparison in format between a file with no title and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS.

3. File without lessons

Serenity also allows flexibility in the inclusion of lesson columns in the xlsx file provided. Below is an example of the format of a file without any lesson columns compared to the format of typical attendance sheet format downloaded from LumiNUS.

Comparison in format between a file with no lesson column and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS

Figure 3. Comparison in format between a file with no lesson column and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS.

Invalid file formats

This section describes the file formatting which are rejected by Serenity. Should an invalid file be uploaded Serenity will give an error message stating the possible errors of the file.

1. Empty file

Empty files are rejected by Serenity. Should you try to upload an empty file onto Serenity, Serenity will display an error message describing the error, an example is shown below.

<b>Serenity</b> showing empty file error

Figure 4. Serenity showing empty file error.

2. No headers

Files without header columns are rejected by Serenity, the example below is an example of a file without header columns compared to a file typically downloaded from LumiNUS.

Comparison in format between a file without header columns and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS

Figure 5. Comparison in format between a file without header column and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS.

Should you try to upload a file without header column onto Serenity, Serenity will display an error message describing the error, an example is shown below.

<b>Serenity</b> showing invalid header error

Figure 6. Serenity showing invalid header error.

3. Incorrect headers

Similar to files without headers, files with correct headers but in the wrong order are rejected by Serenity, the example below is an example of a file with correct headers but in the wrong order compared to a file typically downloaded from LumiNUS.

Comparison in format between a file with correct headers but in the wrong order and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS

Figure 7. Comparison in format between a file with correct headers but in the wrong order and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS.

Should you try to upload a file with correct headers but in the wrong order onto Serenity, Serenity will display an error message describing the error, an example is shown below.

<b>Serenity</b> showing invalid header error

Figure 8. Serenity showing invalid header error.

4. Missing student details in file

Students are the cornerstone of every tutorial group, therefore, files with student information missing will be rejected by Serenity, the example below is an example of a file without student information compared to a file typically downloaded from LumiNUS.

Comparison in format between a file with missing student information and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS

Figure 9. Comparison in format between a file with missing student information and a typical file downloaded from LumiNUS.

Should you try to upload a file with missing student information onto Serenity, Serenity will display an error message describing the error, an example is shown below.

<b>Serenity</b> showing no student error

Figure 10. Serenity showing no student error.